You can invest time, money, or belief. Where are yours going?

Our Founder, Darren Weale, recently posted on LinkedIn as below:

“In the last few days I invested my time in attending a recording of Emma-Louise Boynton‘s Sex Talks podcast with broadcaster/director Poppy Jay and author Amy Key; my money in Cindy Gallop‘s MakeLoveNotPorn fundraiser; and my belief in those two and in the Lets Talk Better event led by Zeenat Noorani The Clarity Coach on body image, featuring Jenny Tomei. They have in common a desire to change the world for the better in some way.

“Such as guidance to help people navigate through life better; putting real world sex in front of people rather than the cold, harmful porn industry; and the message that there is beauty in us that doesn’t need perfectionism, steroids, weight loss drugs, and punishing exercise regimes to find. In other and/or related spheres I see others here doing the same around their own passions, whether famously or simply at a local level. Among them, Thomas Curran, Max Dickins, Charlotte Fox Weber, Susie K Brooks AIP, Mercedes Yearley ‘Wellbeing through Drama’ 💌 Neil Peters, and Nick Wilson. Even as these positive people do that, algorithms run by incredibly greedy companies, unscrupulous marketeers, and hideous influencers like the one currently residing in Romania are pouring out messaging and imagery that messes people up and makes them worse people.

“Invest wisely.
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