Between 1pm and 3pm on Tuesday 8th June, our founder, Darren Weale, appears on the long-established (it has clocked up over 500 weekly shows) Business Bunker internet broadcast. After its live airing, the show then becomes a podcast recording. It has quite a back catalogue. The show’s intro music is the song ‘Don’t Stop’ by Fleetwood Mac, and we like it so much we have added it to our Spotify playlist in honour of the Business Bunker –

Last week, the show had its first guest live in the studio for over a year, Keith Bird of Telecoms World (pictured with Jules Serkin). You can hear the show and fellow guests Elle and Linda Cloke here:

When he was talking recently with co-host Paul Andrews – Jules Serkin being the other stonkingly gorgeous (as Paul says every week) half of the team – Darren asked, “What shall we talk about?” Paul answered, “What do you want to talk about?” This got Darren thinking. Why not write a blog before the show on that subject? It would help advertise the show and it is the duty of any PR, Darren says, to “help and support the media channels that are kind enough to feature our clients. In fact, we should support the media generally. PR’s need the media – online, print, radio, TV, all of it – to be shared and popular and to make money.” So, the bulk of this post is, indeed, 10 top tips for being a podcast guest, which we will come on to.

Other topics for the interview might include one or two of our clients. For example, our latest is Jarrid Lee, a rising Canadian Country music star,. He is our second Canadian client along with Blues-Rock award-winner, Chris Antonik. See and respectively.

Then there is Teepol Products. We work with this historic British manufacturing company, and we are very proud to do so. As a country we need to create and to make things and to employ people in doing so. Any PR success helps that prosper. We are doubly proud that right now in 2021, Teepol is a Patron of the new ‘Cooking With Heroes’ book which has been launched as part of the centenary celebrations of the Royal British Legion. See and

Onto those 10 top tips for being a podcast guest:

  1. Is this a one-off, or do you want to appear again? Always be a good guest, but if you want to go back and talk again, you need to be a great guest and to have new things to say every time you appear. You’re not there to bore the hosts or their audience;
  2. Know the show before you appear. We love the Business Bunker. It really is a great entertainment show due to the humour and openness of the hosts. It puts the fun into business, whilst helping share local businesses and charities in Kent and beyond, and shares the work of the Federation of Small Business, the Chambers of Commerce, and news from other sources;
  3. Share the show before and after it airs, and, if possible, during. Share it when you’re not appearing. Be helpful. Use social media and tell people you’re coming on;
  4. Sponsor the show if you can, if you really love them and it makes business sense. It can be just an episode or an ongoing commitment, but it is the ultimate thank you;
  5. Think about what you want to talk about and what you might be asked, as we are here;
  6. Think logistics – if this is aired live from a studio, as the Business Bunker is, make sure you turn up on time, you know where you should be, and you have anything you need to bring with you. If it is a call-in or internet recording, make sure the connections are rock-solid and there is no disturbing background noise;
  7. Relax. You’ll soon get used to a microphone – do talk close to it for the best pick up – and if you are talking about you, that should be your favourite subject, shouldn’t it?
  8. Be yourself, but try to respect the tone of the show. You’ll get that from knowing it (tip 1). Some shows are very earnest, some can be informal and fun, but still be informative – like the Business Bunker;
  9. Find the toilets and use them at the right time! Nothing puts a crimp on a relaxed chat more than an urgent call of nature. Some shows are run out of premises where the toilets are remarkably far away or seem hidden. Just ask Darren about his hospital radio experience with a talented Blues singer…. Check;
  10. Remember the listener wants to learn things of value from listening. Yes, you may be your favourite subject, but offer helpful tips and reflections relevant to your topic as you talk.

The Business Bunker has quite a few links and a loyal following, being so long-established. Do check the show out and follow and share these links if you can.

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Past shows – 


Paul Andrews

Twitter –

Jules Serkin

Twitter –  

Website –  

Channel Radio

Channel Radio 2 –  

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